This 300+ page compilation of resources for Adult EAL and LINC programming was prepared by and for Alberta Teachers of ESL.  It includes resources categorized in the following ways: CLA and PBLA; Curriculum; Instruction; Learner Assessment; EAL literacy; Skills and Language for Work; Technology and Online Learning; Supporting Learners with Diverse Learning Needs; Indigenization; 2SLGBTQ+ Inclusion, and Anti-Racism.

Each section begins with a statement of Best Practice followed by hyperlinked resources and references. While not annotated, the resources are listed under sub-headings that allow for a quick scan for relevant/desired material.  Also included are vignettes, a glossary and an explanation of updated terminology.


This site offers CLB-aligned activities and information about legal issues, including many related to employment rights. It includes a broad range of downloadable booklets about a variety of legal topics written in clear language. One series has been especially developed for ESL teachers and learners.

Twenty-six activity kits with classroom materials for teachers and learners in Adult ESL and Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) classes, based on topics from CLEO's tenants' and workers' rights series.

Designed to teach newcomers about their legal rights and to be used along with the relevant CLEO publications, the materials are intended for learners and levels ranging from Canadian Language Benchmarks 1 to 6+.

This web resource is maintained by teachers in the LINC ASSIST Community Services Centre, in Edmonton, Alberta.  Its purpose is  to provide resources and an implementation guide for teachers using PBLA in their own LINC classrooms. The site is easy to navigate.

The "PBLA" section will take you to resources and examples of how to implement PBLA. "Teaching Resources" links to a variety of theme and skill-based resources.  Some resources are Alberta-based and designed for ASSIST settings.  Also note, Word docs on the website cannot be viewed on mobile devices.