
This simple website is designed for those who are having difficulty understanding numbers.  The lessons contain practice with two figure numbers  to nine figure numbers, as well as practice with telephone numbers, months and dates, decimals and percentages and more.

Essential Skills Profiles are available for most occupations in Canada. Each profile lists job tasks in nine Essential Skills and rates them at 1–5 levels of competency.

Essential Skills Assessments are clearly written checklists for students to use to assess their skills. There is one for each of the nine Essential Skills.
Essential Skills Online Assessments is a series of short quizzes provide an indication of skill strengths and areas that may require improvement.

List of Tools: Tools, assessment and support information for trainers and career counsellors.

Manitoba Resources includes curriculum for pharmacists, health care aid and entrepreneurs with an Essential Skills focus.

Learner Materials: A Strategy for Writing Tests, Navigating Workplace Documents and Numeracy.

Vocabulary Building Workbook includes 24 lessons to help students increase Canadian workplace vocabulary.

The Toolkit is a comprehensive guide for teaching financial literacy and numeracy to ESL Literacy and low-level learners. The guide contains assessment materials, instructional and planning content, thematic units with sample lesson plans and classroom resources, with instructions for three learner stages: Emerging, Building and Expanding, which have been developed for multi-level settings.

Thematic units cover: goal setting, money, grocery shopping, budgeting, banking, credit/debt/loans. Follow-up and homework activities are suggested, along with teaching tips. The Toolkit emphasizes that there is not necessarily a correlation between a learner’s literacy and numeracy skills.

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