
Ontario’s Directory of Best Practice Resources for Language Training began in 2016 with a mandate from the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration (MCI), now Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS), to identify best practice resources in programming and delivery that respond to diverse needs of learners (including ESL, FSL, ESL Literacy, Specialized Language Training, Citizenship, Special Needs and CLARS).

Ontario’s Directory of Best Practice Resources for Language Training provides quick access to proven exemplary resources to guide instructors and program managers in the delivery of MCI-funded ESL and FSL training, and serves as a standard to support excellence in classroom practice and program delivery.

What are “Best Practices”?

Our criteria to determine “Best Practices” include:

  • Proven value based on a literature review (including Alberta TESL’s Best Practice document), instructor/user response through consultations in province-wide focus groups, key informant interviews and an online survey of instructors and administrators
  • Relevance to the curriculum and needs of adult ESL/FSL learners
  • Relevance to MCI objectives, as stated in the Keystone Concepts new curriculum guidelines and the Canadian Language Benchmarks
  • Resources containing clear guidelines to support teaching and learning processes, assessment and expected outcomes
  • Accessibility, including costs, scheduling and facilities

Benefits of Ontario’s Directory of Best Practice Resources for Language Training:

  • Ontario’s Directory of Best Practice Resources for Language Training is accessible online without cost to users (a small number of resources require payment)
  • Each resource has been vetted for Best Practice standards to maintain the validity and reliability of content
  • Resources link to an original site (where possible and applicable)
  • Resources have been used and approved by users
  • Resources and content have been referenced to Keystone Concepts and CLBs for curriculum and lesson development and/or professional learning
  • The site will be monitored to ensure that resources are current and vetted, and to ensure that links are functioning