
Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Ontario’s Directory of Best Practice Resources for Language Training?

Ontario’s Directory of Best Practice Resources for Language Training is a website providing quick and easy access to high-quality resources to support the diverse needs of instructors, administrators and learners in ESL, FSL, ESL Literacy, Specialized Language Training, Citizenship and Special Needs programs.

2. What are the benefits of using Ontario’s Directory of Best Practice Resources for Language Training?
  • Free access to excellent online resources
  • Resources have been recommended and approved by users
  • Resources have been referenced to Ontario’s Keystone Concepts curriculum guidelines and the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB)
  • Directory contains classroom resources and reference materials: reference materials are identified with REF to distinguish them from resources.
3. What are the differences between Ontario’s Directory of Best Practice Resources for Language Training and other resource finders?

Ontario’s Directory of Best Practice Resources for Language Training is not a community-driven sharing service. Resources have been carefully selected and vetted to ensure quality and compatibility with Canadian Language Benchmarks and Keystone Concepts. The site is monitored to ensure content is current and links are functioning.

4. Can I contribute resources or lesson plans to Ontario’s Directory of Best Practice Resources for Language Training?

We welcome your recommendations:

5. Who can I contact to ask questions not in the FAQ or make suggestions for Ontario’s Directory of Best Practices for Language Training?

Please contact us at: