Directory of ELT Resources

Welcome to TESL Ontario’s Directory of ELT Resources (formerly called Directory of Best Practices) where English language teachers will find an abundance of resources to assist with lesson planning, program delivery, professional development and more. The Directory was established in 2016 in response to a mandate by the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration to identify best practice resources for ESL, FSL, ESL Literacy, Citizenship, Special Needs, CLARS, and Specialized Language Training.

The English resources are categorized under three main headings:

  1. Curriculum Development
  2. Learning, Research, & Development for Instructors
  3. Tech for Language Teaching & Learning

The Directory is updated monthly by our ELT resource experts who provide links, descriptions and annotations to help teachers decide if each resource is relevant to their needs. We welcome your suggestions as well. Please send us the details of your favourite resources so we can add them to the Directory for others to consider.

Group of multi-ethnic co-workers looking at a laptop screen together

Curriculum Development

This category is intended to provide instructors with resources (on a variety of themes) to support their teaching. Folders include Citizenship, Employment, English for Specific Purposes, Equity/Diversity/Inclusion, ESL Literacy, Essential Skills, Financial Literacy, Global Issues, Grammar & Vocabulary, Health & Wellness, Legal, New Instructors, Pronunciation, Settlement and Standardized Test Preparation.

Learning, Research and Development for Instructors

This category is intended to keep instructors connected to current perspectives (on a variety of themes) as part of their professional learning. Folders include Assessment, Culture & Pragmatics, Methodology, Program Administration and Research.

Group of women at conference table
Two men working together at table

Tech for Language Teaching & Learning

This category is intended to provide instructors with tech tools for use in their practice. Sub-folders include Collaboration Tools, Digital, Media, Presentation Tools, and Quizzes/Word Games/Flash Cards.

Recently Added Resources


The Diarium app is an excellent diary/journal tool for students to document their learning (e.g. create a portfolio) over time or to keep a journal as part of a writing assignment.  It can be used across multiple platforms (cell phones, desktops, iOS, macOS,...

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